Rack Lines
Vertical-racks lines have an acknowledged flexibility of use as they can be adapted to several sectors and processes. Galvo Service offers design and manufacturing solutions specifically designed according to the required productivity, the available amount of space and obviously to the required process.
Design choices are always thought to provide a product that is reliable, easily adjustable, expandable, and of course maintainable over time. According to our current production department’s organization we are equipped to manufacture and handle efficiently parts up to 12 tons and about 20m.
Thus we are able to manufacture vertical lines of any size within the portability limits of any single part of the line.

Application areas
- Sanitary
- Armaments
- Automotive
- Naval Applications
- Furniture
- Building
- Eyewear Branch
- Fashion Accessories
- Mechanical Industry
- Nickel and Nickel + decorative Chrome
- Chromium 6+, Chromium 3+
- Chemical Nickel
- Hard Chrome
- Copper, Copper Nickel, Copper Nickel Chrome
- Acid Zinc, Alkaline Zinc, Nickel Zinc, Iron Zinc
- Brass
- Silver
- Gold
- Aluminium Anodizing
- Steel Burnishing
- Phosphating
- Special treatments for the aviation industry
- Degreasing
- Pickling lines
- Sulphur-tartaric oxidation
- Sulphur-boric oxidation
We manufactured for the worldwide largest Research Centre a galvanic line destined to finishing surfaces of very complex items with special treatments. The specifications required were those of, if not even higher, the aerospatial industry.

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