Manual plating lines
A manual line is in general a customized line; therefore we manufactured lines having only a few tanks, with some liters volume, but also lines with hundreds of positions and tanks up to 10 meters.

Application areas
- Sanitary
- Armaments
- Automotive
- Naval Applications
- Furniture
- Building
- Eyewear Branch
- Fashion Accessories
- Mechanical Industry
- Electropolishing
- Nickel and Nickel + decorative Chrome
- Chromium 6+, Chromium 3+
- Chemical Nickel
- Hard Chrome
- Copper, Copper Nickel, Copper Nickel Chrome
- Acid Zinc, Alkaline Zinc, Nickel Zinc, Iron Zinc
- Brass
- Silver
- Gold
- Aluminium Anodizing
- Steel Burnishing
- Phosphating
- Special treatments for the aviation industry
- Degreasing (ultrasonic, chemical, electrolytic)
- Pickling lines for steel, brass and aluminium
- Sulphur-tartaric oxidation
- Sulphur-boric oxidation

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